How did we ever live without 2 day shipping?? I ordered something from Not-Amazon recently and it took 2 weeks to arrive. I had literally forgotten about even ordering it by the point I received it (which was a nice little surprise, but sometimes I really need things ASAP like health, home & toiletry products). Anyway, because of convenience, speed, competitive prices and more, Amazon has become the primary shopping destination in our house. Here are some items on my wish list right now:
This basket looks huge and matches my smaller laundry baskets perfectly. I want to use this in my extra closet for clothes I want to donate since I’m constantly cleaning out my closet. My current donation organization system consists of half folded/half strewn about piles of clothes on the floor and/or large trash bags stuffed and spilling over and it’s not a good look.
This is so genius: it’s a UPF 50+ bandana that will block 98% of the sun’s rays. Coolibar is pretty much a gold standard brand for sun protective clothing. It is super light, stretchy, portable & affordable and can be used in so many ways. As a traditional neck bandana, a hair/head wrap, or just to cover any part of yourself that you don’t want exposed to the sun. I want to get one to just keep in my bag/beach bag and throw it over my face when I’m laying outside or for Rob to wear when he rides his bike and sometimes gets sunburned on the back of his neck. 24 x 24 inches which is a decent size.
I’ve been squeezing fresh lemons/limes into warm water and drinking it first thing in the morning for a few months now and I love it. I have a yellow (ceramic?) squeezer and the inside is showing a lot of wear. Whether it’s paint wearing off or acid stains or whatever, it’s not appealing. This will be replacing it soon!
I love candles and was so sad when I learned that so many of them are made with pretty undesirable chemicals, fragrances, and materials. 100% beeswax candles are my preference since they burn super cleanly (and even supposedly clean the air with ions or something?) but they can be harder to find in cute colors and shapes. I love this brand because of the ivory color option & variety of sizes. I have owned/ordered these before but they’re always on my wish list since they’re almost always sold out!
I’ve been wanting a juicer so badly lately. I love love green juices and really don’t mind the bottled ones from the store except 1) all of the ingredients aren’t always organic (which is really important to me), and 2) they ALL have spinach in them and I don’t do well with spinach. I think it would also be a good investment for us because I’m pretty much the only person who eats produce in the house and sometimes I can’t physically eat it all when we get a big bunch of kale, for example. This is definitely an investment and I’m sure you can find something less expensive, but I’ve done some research and definitely want a slow/cold press juicer and like that this has BPA free components and great reviews, etc. Also, juicers are not an attractive appliance category but this one looks nice IMO.
How cute are these little stoneware baskets/bowls for the fridge? I love the muted colors and the small size. Perfect for storing washed berries or small vegs like radishes and carrots to snack on.
Do you love the Wish List feature on Amazon as much as I do? I recently discovered that you can create and share lists with others and I think that’s such a great idea for family around the holidays!